Trying to enter the workforce right after graduating college can be a scary experience. After all, you are going up against people whose resumes are filled with job experience and skills that you just don’t have yet. What exactly are you supposed to put on your resume? If you’ve just graduated, then odds are the few jobs that you have held aren’t exactly eye catchers either. The following are some of the things that you should include in your functional resume if you’ve just graduated college in order to draw the attention of potential employers:
• Educational background – Since you don’t have much of an employment background, go more in depth on your educational background. Include information such as the school you graduated from, the year you obtained your degree and any impressive academic honors or stats, such as a high GPA. Obviously, if you’re GPA wasn’t that impressive, then you shouldn’t include it on your resume.
• Coursework – Some experts believe that it can be beneficial to list completed coursework on your resume. Remember that even if the coursework wasn’t relevant to your major, it could still be relevant to the job you are applying for.
• Career objective – If you know exactly what you want to do and are applying for a specific job, then a career objective is something you’ll want to include on your resume. Don’t be vague about your objective. If you don’t know what you want, then don’t include a career objective that is vague – this will only hurt your chances of getting the position. You may also want to tailor your career objective statement to better suit the position you’re applying for. Don’t take this to mean that you should change your career objective for each position you apply for. Instead, you should consider taking your career objective and tailoring it to better fit in with the job you are applying for.
• Employment history – Don’t look down on some of the jobs that you may think are too menial to include. For example, if you spent a summer babysitting, you may want to include it on your resume. This could help you if you are applying for a position in the childcare industry. Don’t sell yourself short! A post on a sample CMO resume would give you a wide-eye example on how to stand out from your employers; specifics. And the employment history is a top section recruiter tend to look at.
• Extracurricular activities – Some of your extracurricular activities may relate to the job you are applying for, so don’t dismiss them immediately. For example, if you helped put together a fund-raising event for your fraternity, then this might be something that could impress potential employers at a non-profit organization or an event management company.
These are 5 of the things that you should include on your resume if you have just recently graduated from college and don’t have the work background or real-world experience that many other job hunters out there may have.