2018 was a great year for digital learning. There was a surge in the digital industry with 98% of companies planning to use e-learning by 2020. At Wise Global we offer top-quality, informative courses to help you and your colleagues progress within your business.
People-centred Approach
One trend that people hope to see in 2019 is a more people centred approach. We expect to see a more humane, respectable way of thinking about the workplace, considering all aspects of a full-time job. With our courses, you can complete them at any appropriate time to you and your schedule, allowing you to learn whenever it is convenient to you.
Design Thinking
Another trend people would like to see this year is design thinking. With most people on the go and ideally would prefer to learn from smaller, concise pieces of content, design thinking is a way to combat this problem. Cutting down a piece of text can sometimes affect the value of information being delivered, but by incorporating more design the learning becomes more visual with the correct amount of information being transmitted.
Easier to manipulate
With lots of businesses requiring further qualifications within the workplace, it’s important to make these courses accessible by all ages. Our courses at wise global offer a fully explained and detailed plan helping you achieve your desired qualification.
With some courses there is a considerable lack of support. It’s important that each and every single person taking a digital course has the guidance and help they require. We ensure that each course comes with tutor support at no additional cost to make sure you achieve your qualification with ease.
These are just a few of the trends we are expected to see in 2019. At Wise Global we put our customers first when considering our online courses. It’s important to us that you have the best experience, with an easy navigation and extra support if necessary. For more information on any of our courses please feel free to explore the rest of our website or give us a call on (+44) 01482 211989.